Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Letter To The Inquirer: "No Parole For MOVE"

(pic of myself, MOVE supporters, and members of "The MOVE 9")

No parole, MOVE

As a former supporter of MOVE who understands the nature of the group and now rejects its "teachings," I oppose parole for any MOVE members ("7 MOVE members coming up for parole," Feb. 28).

I once spent many days and nights working for their freedom, corresponding with them, and visiting them in prison. As the years wore on, the facts became clear, and I realized that I was not supporting "political prisoners," but murderers who exploited my idealism. I had to face the fact that not only had I been lied to, but also that I had misled people. The tragedy of Aug. 8, 1978 - in which Philadelphia Police Officer James Ramp was killed - was of MOVE's making. The police were the victims, not MOVE.

Granting parole for MOVE members would compound the tragedy of August 1978. The parole board would be rewarding MOVE members who maintain their innocence and have never acknowledged their role in the murder of Ramp.

The judge who sentenced the MOVE members said the idea of rehabilitation for those who killed Ramp was "absurd." I believe the judge's comment to be as true now as it was three decades ago. There must not be parole for the killers of Officer James Ramp. Not now, not ever.

Tony Allen


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