Thursday, March 13, 2008

"No Parole For MOVE 9" Letter To Parole Board

(The following is another example of the fine letters being sent by readers of this site regarding the parole of MOVE members. We need more of this. Direct and to the point. Thanks to everyone for the petition signatures and letters. Towards Justice.)

Ms. Catherine Mc Vey
Chairperson-Pa. Board of Probation & Parole
1101 South Front St., S. #5100
Harrisburg, Pa. 17104-2517

Dear Chairperson Mc Vey and Parole Board Members:

I write as a journalist familiar with the events of August 8, 1978 which resulted in the trial and conviction of the MOVE 9 for murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault, and conspiracy.

Eight of these extraordinarily violent anarchstic cult members are eligible for parole in April.

In determining whether of not to release these convicted murderers back into society, please take the following into consideration:

1. They intentionally shot and killed a 52 year old cop, Officer James Ramp, in the performance of his duties;

2. With their fussilade of gunfire from rifles and shotguns they also tried to murder five (5) other police officers and four (4) firemen;

3. They succeeded in seriously wounded these nine public servants, who, like Officer Ramp, were performing their duties in a lawful manner;

4. But for excellent emergency medical treatment - and plain old fashioned good luck - the bloody August 8, 1978 event would have been a mass murder by these homicidally violent cult members.

5. They've never taken responsibility for their crimes. They've never even hinted that they are in fact "guilty" of the crimes which resulted in their removal from society.
6. Despite ample opportunity - 30 years - to see the error of their homicidal, anti society, anti law enforcement, anarchistic ways, all eight of these cult members are unrepentent.

None of them has shown a shred of remorse for their serious crimes.

Indeed they deem themselves "political prisoners."

Surely absent some indication of remorse, which is an essential component of rehabiltation, none of them are worthy of being returned to society, especially if they return to the MOVE cult in the city of Philadelphia.

The citizens of that city, the African American Mayor, the African American police commissioner, the thousands of police officers, and the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office have an extremely difficult task in trying to manage the present horrible murder rate.

Putting a single one of these "political prisoners" back into society will make the city even more dangerous, and make law enforcement's already difficult job virtually impossible.

Parole denial would protect the safety of society and further the intersts of criminal justice.


At 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peace-- just posted a presentation that has some commentary from Mumia about an article from a contributor to The Nation magazine called "Postcards From Ohio" His commentary was entitled: NAFTA Democrats

At 12:25 PM , Anonymous Heather Adam said...

Hello mate nnice post


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